Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I-Election Fraud Rocks Baha'i Community of Pakistan

Is it fair that the two members of the currently fairly elected National Assembly of Pakistan have been suspended by the Universal House of Justice? These were the members who received maximum number of votes from the delegates. The other seven members are retained.

Not only this but even the office bearers of the NSA has been removed and instead other appointed in their place. This clearly indicates that the so called infallible UHJ has not done justice. In fact they have humiliated and insulted the members of the NSA, the delegates and the Bahais who have elected these delegates.

With this interference of the House, the sanctity of Bahai elections are lost and it is a pointer that the House of Justice is interested in some members to work as Secretary and the Treasurer.

Coincidentally the suspended members are Pakistani it looks that the Universal House of Justice wants only Persian members to serve on the NSA.

In this episode the axis of evil are Prof. Mehrdad, Mr. Farsheed and Mr. Shamsheer. These three are the beneficiaries of this dissolution. Mr. Mehrdad did not get a single vote for the secretaryship and Mr. Farsheed the master manipulator while giving treasurer report was hiding some important facts and he spended beyond the budget. Mr. Shamsheer is expert in destroying the peace and calmness of Bahai families by interfering in their internal affairs. Constructive suggestions by sincere Bahais are considered as criticism.

This is a very serious problem which needs to be known by every Bahai of Pakistan. Ignoring this matter will only increase the courage of this axis of evil. Protection of Bahai institutions and the community at large should be the concern of each and every Bahai.

“Let us recall His explicit and often-repeated assurances that every Assembly elected in that rarefied atmosphere of selflessness and detachment is, in truth, appointed of God, that its verdict is truly inspired, that one and all should submit to its decision unreservedly and with cheerfulness.”

(Shoghi Effendi)

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